Water supply issues worry Mbala District residents

Some parts of the Mbala District are experiencing some issues in the water supply for over a month causing concern within residents

Water supply issues worry Mbala District residents, Image: facebook
Water supply issues worry Mbala District residents, Image: facebook

Zambia: Some parts of the Mbala District are experiencing some issues in the water supply for over a month. The members of the community are forced to seek out their water supply through alternate and often unsafe means.

The administration of the community have shared that several areas of the district are heavily affected by the shortage of the water supply. The officials have shared that the areas in question include Old Location, New Mbulu, Overspill, Lucheche and Maraundi Townships.


Mbala Radio Champion Group Spokesperson James Malama spoke to the media regarding the issue. He noted that the lack of water in the area has become a source of concern.

Malama said people were extremely fearful of contracting water-borne diseases like as Cholera and Dysentery. Several communities of the nation, who struggled with cholera in the beginning of the year are worried of a similar outbreak.

He shared the media that the situation is bad as many people depend on water borne toilets for their daily lives. He has called on the administration to find a solution for the problem. He has asked the water utility company to consider investing in solar energy to pump water.

Taking action is especially crucial for this period when the country is experiencing load shedding.

In light of the loadshedding, Malama has asked ZESCO to give the water utility company The opportunity pump water for some time before cutting off the power supply.

He made the remarks as Chambeshi Water and Sewerage Company Mbala District Manager Justin Mukuka had also attributed the poor water supply to the loadshedding by ZESCO.


Justin Mukuka explained that he believes the current power was not enough to pump enough water to meet the demands in the district. In line with this, the members of the community have to depend on unsafe means of water supply.

On the other hand, Mbala District Commissioner Justus Sikazwe shared that they understand the criticality of situation. He has informed the media that it would take time for for Zesco to come up with a separate line for the water intake.

Meanwhile, Sikazwe said they need immediate intervention by the water utility company to ensure people’s access to water was improved.

He stated that the utility company should not entirely depend on ZESCO power supply alone.