Zambia Forestry Corporation team visits KFS

Zambia, Kenya: The Principal Senior Deputy Chief Conservator of Forests (PSDCCF), Peter Waweru, has this morning hosted a delegation from the Zambia Forestry and Forest Industries Corporation Ltd led by their Director of Plantations, Justin Tongo, who is on bench marking mission on plantation forest management in Kenya.

Zambia Forestry Corporation team visits KFS
Zambia Forestry Corporation team visits KFS Image credit: Facebook

Zambia, Kenya: The Principal Senior Deputy Chief Conservator of Forests (PSDCCF), Peter Waweru, has this morning hosted a delegation from the Zambia Forestry and Forest Industries Corporation Ltd led by their Director of Plantations, Justin Tongo, who is on bench marking mission on plantation forest management in Kenya.

The team, who were also accompanied by the Project Manager of the Tree Biotechnology Program Trust (TBPT), Dr Ben Kanyi, exchanged experiences with their Kenyan counterparts, including opportunities and challenges in plantation management. Tongo said that the Zambian state forests occupy an area of over 7 million hectares.

He noted that the plantation forestry only occupied about 50 thousand hectares, with plans to increase them to at least 100 thousand hectares.

On his part, the head of plantation forestry at KFS, Andrew Soi, informed the delegation that Kenyan plantations occupied about 152 thousand hectares which represent about 6% of all gazetted forests.

The delegation will visit a number of forest stations to have a first hand experience in plantation management, including the role played by Community Forest Associations (CFA) in the establishment and maintenance of young plantations during their three day tour of duty.

Zambia Forestry Corporation team visits KFS
Image credit: Facebook

Residents of the area are happy to see the initiative to make Kenya and Zambia Green again. Comedian Daniel Wambua said, “I have started a project of planting trees as a youth group of 15 members, and we are looking for governmental and non governmental organizations to support us with other seeds so that we can develop and grow; our aim is to fight against climate change in Kenya.”