Kenya KFS participates in Chyuluhills Conservation Trust Board Meeting

Kenya: Kenya Forest Service (KFS), in her capacity as a member of Chyulu Hills Conservation Trust, yesterday took part in the Trust Board Meeting held at Kilaguni Serena Safari Lodge- Tzavo West National Park.

Kenya KFS participates in Chyuluhills Conservation Trust Board Meeting
Kenya KFS participates in Chyuluhills Conservation Trust Board Meeting Image credit: Facebook

Kenya: Kenya Forest Service (KFS), in her capacity as a member of Chyulu Hills Conservation Trust, yesterday took part in the Trust Board Meeting held at Kilaguni Serena Safari Lodge- Tzavo West National Park.

The Board is the governance body of the Chyulu Hills REDD+ Project. The meeting aimed at reviewing the 2022-2023 FY and setting the pace for the beginning of the 2023-2024 FY.

The Board comprises KFS, KWS, Massai Wildlife Conservancy Trust, Big Life Foundation, Sheldrick Wildlife Trust, Conservation International and four other group ranches. It is Chaired by Samson Parashina.

The Chyulu Hills REDD+ Project seeks to protect the Chyulu Hills landscape, its forests, woodlands, savannahs, wetlands and springs, and its wild populations of Africa’s best known animals – lions, cheetahs, wild dogs, rhinos, elephants, and various antelopes.

KFS membership has benefitted the Service through a number of interventions which include the establishment of three million seedlings capacity tree nursery, capacity enhancement through training of staff, and support to forest communities through the establishment of nature based economic options such as apiculture, ecotourism, exploitation of non-wood forest products and market linkages. With diversified livelihood options, the project has been able to ease pressure on over reliance on forest resources.

Image credit: Facebook

As part of the effort to support the forestry strategic goal of growing 15 Billion trees by 2032, the Board has resolved to plant more trees; KFS has been tasked by the Board to not only provide technical support but also package a Concept note that will inform tree growing actions.

DG KWS, Dr Erastus Kaanga, CCF representative Dr Benjamin Kinyili, George Tarus of the State Department of Forestry, Evans Maneno CFC Makueni, and Julius Ekwam were also present at the meeting of Agriculture.

Other organisations within the Board were also fully represented. Moreover, residents demand to increase board members to represent the forests.