Zimbabwe mourns death of Namibian President Geingob

President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa extended his condolences on the passing of Namibian President Hage Geingob

Zimbabwe President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa
Zimbabwe President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa

Zimbabwe: President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa extended his condolences on the passing of Namibian President Hage Geingob, early morning on Feb 04, 2024. The President said he was deeply touched and saddened upon hearing the news of President Geingob’s death.

He added that he was deeply touched and saddened by the sudden passing of President Hage Geingob. He said, “On behalf of my Party, ZANU-PF, the government and the people of the Republic of Zimbabwe, my family and my behalf, I sincerely extend to the great people of Namibia, the SWAPO Party and the bereaved Geingob family our deepest heartfelt condolences.”

He also said that Zimbabwe fondly remembers President Geingob as a pan-Africanist, a liberation hero and a visionary statesman who served his people with the utmost distinction.

“We deeply cherish the exemplary role that he played in consolidating the excellent relations that exist between Zimbabwe and Namibia, as well as in advancing the integration agenda of our regional body, SADC and the cause of the African peoples and Continent,” said the president.

President Mnangagwa mentioned that the 82-year-old leader had been diagnosed with cancer and revealed his diagnosis to the public last month. Geingob’s office announced that he would be travelling to the US for treatment but would return to Namibia on Feb 02, 2024.

Nangolo Mbumba is now appointed as Namibia’s 4th President
Nangolo Mbumba is now appointed as Namibia’s 4th President

President Hage Geingob became the president in 2015 and was serving his second and final term in office. Geingob went through an Aortic operation in 2023 and in 2014, he survived prostate cancer.

Namibia is due to hold presidential and parliamentary elections in November. The governing Swapo party has been in power since independence in 1990 and has chosen Mrs Nandi-Ndaitwah as its presidential candidate.

The government of Zimbabwe ZANU-PF has also released an official note and extended their condolences.

Nangolo Mbumba has been appointed as Namibia’s fourth President following the death of Dr Hage Geingob on February 04, 2024. Many people have reacted to this and shared their opinions.

A social media user named Tafara Mukwauri expressed, “So fast??? Some people say you are irreplaceable, but this one was fast like lightning.”

Another person Marshall Mashiringo asked, “before burial” to which Abigail Nyamuzunza replied and wrote, “It was done as per Article 34 of the Namibian Constitution… Unfortunately, that’s the law in all countries. A country can’t stay for days with that higher position in a vacuum… life goes on.”