Mzuzu city administration adds new wing in Mapale Health Center

Mapale Health Center in Mzuzu City has opened a new open wing within the facility to add to the healthcare capacity of the district

Mzuzu city administration adds new wing in Mapale Health Center, Image: Facebook
Mzuzu city administration adds new wing in Mapale Health Center, Image: Facebook

Malawi: Mapale Health Center in Mzuzu City has opened a new open wing within the facility. The aim of the hospital is to add to the healthcare capacity of the nation.

The officials have shared that they want to enhance the health care service delivery to better serve the public. Senior Health Promotion Officer for Mzimba North District Health Office expanded on the same.

He said that the revenue that will be generated through paying services will compliment on resources that government channels to the facility. The administration is working hard to make suree that the people of the nation have access to the highest quality of healthcare.

“This will enable us to improved infrastructure, medical equipment which will translate into improved healthcare service delivery.

It will also assist us to improve the quality of free services since the local generate fund will be channeled to drugs and supplies procurement for both the paying and free services,” Said Kawayi.

Kawayi added that currently the paying wing is offering general outpatient services, such as dental, eye, orthopedic, medical reports and laboratory services and will later on start offering antenatal and maternal services.

He however said that the introduction of the facility will not in any way affect delivery of free services.

“We have not changed anything in terms of the way we have been delivering free services. If anything, we are anticipating improved free service delivery besides enhancing health workers motivation,” he said.

According to Luwiza Misasi, who was a client seeking out patient department services at the facility, said the introduction of the wing will reduce congestion of patients as they will be at liberty to either go for paying or free services.

Another health service client, Luke Mkandawire said that he was pleased for the introduction paying services at the facility as the initiative will reduce pressure on free services and client will be served on time.

The paying facility provides an alternative for clients who can afford to pay for healthcare services and charges for such services depends on the service one is seeking.