Amajuba Mayor Cllr Ndabuko Zulu attends Sunday service at eNyonini Zion church

Amajuba: Amajuba Muncipality Mayor, Cllr. uMntwana Ndabuko Zulu graced the sacred grounds of eNyonini Zion Church, joining the district’s fraternal in offering thanks giving and praying for God’s intervention in the elimination of social ills that continue to plague our communities.

Amajuba Mayor Cllr Ndabuko Zulu attends Sunday service at Enyonini Zion church
Amajuba Mayor Cllr Ndabuko Zulu attends Sunday service at Enyonini Zion church Image credit: Facebook

Amajuba: Amajuba Muncipality Mayor, Cllr. uMntwana Ndabuko Zulu graced the sacred grounds of eNyonini Zion Church, joining the district’s fraternal in offering thanks giving and praying for God’s intervention in the elimination of social ills that continue to plague our communities.

The auspicious thanks giving service attended by families and congregations across Amajuba District rendered beautiful praise and worship hymns in addition to an entrancing live performance by former Joyous Celebrations choir member William Sejake.

In his address, the Amajuba Mayor, uMntwana Ndabuko Zulu, expressed how leaders are encouraged to draw strength and wisdom from the higher being including the leadership’s commitment to securing equality and liberation as a legacy owed to every South African.

“We cannot solely rely on our own human wisdom and understanding to tackle the plights of our nation. We depend on the spiritual nourishment offered by the entire faith based communities to repair the moral fabric of our society and help us carry out the mandate that history has given to our generation to make a reality of our hopes for a better life for all.” Remarked uMntwana Ndabuko.

The Mayor further used the platform to wish His Royal Highness Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi, the Prime Minister of the Zulu Nation, a speedy recovery.

“Sithi Shenge uNkulunkulu ngathi angakugcina akulondoloze ukuba ubone siqhubeka sihlenga i-Sizwe ngezimfundiso zakho , nawe uqhubeke nomsebenzi wakho owuphiwe uMdali wokunakekela i-Sizwe sika Jama,” kubeka uMntwana Ndabuko Zulu.

In his closing remarks, Mayor expressed his sincere gratitude to the congregation of eNyonini Zion Church for their unwavering support to the government and further urged all church leaders to continue to pray for peace, prosperity and moral regeneration of our nation.

Residents of Amajuba seemed happy after seeing the Mayor Cllr. uMntwana Ndabuko Zulu in the event. Mayor also investigated and talked with the residents and tried to know about their daily sufferings.Â