Botswana Police Service Women network Conference

Botswana: The Acting Commissioner of Police, Phemelo Ramakorwane, acknowledged the presence of women in strategic positions both in the public and private sectors as critical in the achievement of significant change.

Botswana Police Service Women network Conference
Botswana Police Service Women network Conference Image credit: Botswana Police Service facebook page

Botswana: The Acting Commissioner of Police, Phemelo Ramakorwane, acknowledged the presence of women in strategic positions both in the public and private sectors as critical in the achievement of significant change.

Speaking during the official opening of the Botswana Women Police Network National Conference at Police College today (13.06.2023), Ramakorwane said it was crucial to enhance women’s representation in leadership positions and decision-making platforms. He said women have the ability to hugely contribute to the development of policies and procedures which lead to a balanced and productive workplace.

Commissioner Ramakorwane emphasised that as a law enforcement agency, BPS reflected gender equality and equity through its policies and strategies, stating that it was vital that the organisation continues to review the same so as to remain aligned with the national, regional and international standards that prioritised the protection of women and children.

He proudly noted the huge milestone made by the organisation in the enrolment of women as well as increasing their representation in leadership and decision-making positions, adding that the current proportion of female officers to their male counterparts stands at 30%, with 21% women representation at senior management level.

The Acting Commissioner praised women police officers for their substantial contributions to effective policing and the development of the country, adding that their dedication and perseverance in carrying out the organisational mandate in the current era is much appreciated.

Over and above, he commended Botswana Police Service (BPS) for its commitment towards implementing SARPCCO / SADC resolutions and action plan, explaining that the Conference was an implementation of Decision 11 of the 2016 SARPCCO Annual general meeting that assigned Women Police Network Champions to identify developmental areas and undertake women empowerment programmes for bridging the gap.

For his part, the Director of Training Senior Assistant Commissioner Godfrey Phonchi assured women police officers of his support in training programmes geared towards their development.

The week long training conference is designed to provide capacity building for women in policing as well as mentorship in the balance of their professional and social lives. The Conference runs under the theme:

“A Dynamic Woman, proficient at meeting present day policing demands for safer communities” is attended by 150 women police officers from all police establishments.