Commissioner Dinah Marathe bids farewell to Crime Prevention Neutral Panelists

Botswana: The Commissioner of Botswana Police Service Dinah Marathe is bidding farewell to the outgoing Crime Prevention Neutral Panelists. During their farewell Ceremony, Commissioner of Police Dinah Marathe commended them for shaping Cluster Policing.

They played an important role in guaranteeing the credibility of the country’s Crime Prevention processes. The farewell ceremony for the outgoing officers was hosted on Wednesday, May 23. The event was attended by several police officers.


The members of the team have shared some glimpses from the farewell event for the officers. They also highlighted the significant role played by the officials in the development of the Police Service.

The Commissioner of Police Marathe also highlighted the work that the Crime Prevention Neutral Panelists had. They ensured effective and efficient evaluation of Community Policing Cluster performances.

Their work contributed to the successful holding of the Annual Community Policing Cluster Awards ceremony. The group of officials have continued to play a critical role in the maintenance of peace within the nation.

She said since its inception in 2008, Cluster Policing has significantly contributed to overall crime reduction. She applauded Crime Prevention activists for their commitment and spirit of volunteerism in ensuring peace and security.

The Commissioner also recognised the significant role played by Dikgosi.She  who are entrusted with the responsibility of chairing Clusters established under their jurisdictions.

Commissioner Marathe said, she had faith in the outgoing Neutral Panelists’ unwavering support in the fight against crime. She highlighted that their retirement does not mean disassociation from Crime Prevention.


Commissioner Dinah Marathe added that their wisdom, guidance, and support in transforming Botswana. It is further, capable of become the best benchmark of peace and democracy in the world

When giving welcome remarks, the Deputy Commissioner of Police Operations, Mr Solomon Mantswe, noted that the fight against crime was a joint effort by all stakeholders, which has since led to positive outcomes. Mr Mantswe said he was confident that the partnership between the BPS and the public would continue to flourish.

One of the outgoing Neutral Panelists, Kgosi Kwelagobe Mookodi, said they were honoured to have been given the opportunity to contribute to the fight against crime. He said they would continue to offer advice to their successors and contribute to crime prevention activities.

As a token of appreciation, the outgoing panelists were awarded certificates of appreciation by the Commissioner of Police.