Dinah Marathe calls on BPS to perform with integrity

The Commissioner of Police, Dinah Marathe has urged police officers to conduct themselves with integrity.

Dinah Marathe calls on BPS to perform with integrity, Image: facebook
Dinah Marathe calls on BPS to perform with integrity, Image: facebook

Botswana: The Commissioner of Police, Dinah Marathe has urged police officers to conduct themselves with integrity. She reminded them that their behaviour as the officials is representational of the Botswana Police Service (BPS).

The newly appointed Commissioner of Police was addressing the officers of the various formations when she made these remarks.She was addressing the various formations from the Police Headquarters at SSG in Gaborone.


The members of the Botswana Police Service have been dedicated to the cause of protecting and keeping the people safe. The Comissioner noted that it is important for the police officers to be trustworthy and friendly for the people to be able to trust them.

Commissioner Dinah Marathe acknowledged that Police Headquarters (PHQ) formations are office-based officers. These officers provide resource support to operatives on the ground. They have a duty as police officers to contribute to the core mandate of BPS.

The commissioner accordindly called attendants to go beyond their normal duties and become operational to augment police visibility.

Furthermore, she implored officials to provide adequate support to operatives. They must work to ensure that they remained motivated and inspired in providing quality service to BPS external customers.

The Commissioner reminded officers to always honour the voice of the customer. She claimed that it has a bearing on the formulation of interventions and strategies that are relevant to the latter’s demands.

She noted that as police officers they needed to reset their agenda to reassure the public of BPS’s relevance and capability in delivering law and order. In addition, Commissioner Marathe highlighted the sensitivity of the service rendered by the police calling attendants to be conscious in their work at all times.


She said of utmost importance is the need for officers to remain disciplined, stating that disciplined organisations are anchored on discipline, a state that distinguishes them from the rest of society.

Director of the Anti-Stock Theft Branch, Senior Assistant Commissioner of Police Maluti Segola thanked the Commissioner for her address. She said she is confident in the capability of BPS.

Additionally, she said officers are invigorated with new strength at the appointment of the new Commissioner, assuring the latter of the officers’ support and their readiness to serve under her.