Health facility, staff house renovation excites TA Kamenyagwaza

Communities under Traditional Authority Kamenyagwaza in Dedza district have appreciated the government for renovating the community health post.

Health facility, staff house renovation excites TA Kamenyagwaza, Image: facebook
Health facility, staff house renovation excites TA Kamenyagwaza, Image: facebook

Malawi: Communities under Traditional Authority Kamenyagwaza in Dedza district have appreciated the government for renovating the community health post. Health is a significant ongoing concern in many communities of Malawi

Accordingly, the people are extremely happy to note that the government is taking the initiative to renovate Chimkombero health post. In addition to the renovation, the administration is also constructing two healthcare staff houses.

The people of Traditional Authority Kamenyagwaza believe development will improve health service delivery in the area.

Group Village Headman Chimkombero visited the renovation site for an inspection visit. He claimed that his subjects have been walking long distances to access medical treatment.

“We thank government for supporting us with these development initiatives. The other nearest hospitals are at Bembeke which is a distance of about 28 kilometers or at Dedza district hospital.”

“The medical is even far and these development works will help us to easily access medical treatment,” said GVH Chimkombero.

He added that once complete and operational, communities will be asked to take care of the facility. The Village headman wants to make sure that the facility stays longer while providing them with healthcare services.

He called on the authorities to consider opening the facility quickly.

A community health worker, Linos Dausi commented on the welcome development in the community. He said some patients are being referred to Bembeke and Dedza district hospital. Once Chimkombero health post becomes operational, more people will access health services nearby.

He also appreciated the fact that two staff houses that have been constructed will help healthcare workers to live close to the facility and attend to patients without difficulties.

Dedza district council, Director of Planning and Development (DPD), Macpherson Mwakhwawa, said the infrastructural development such as Chimkombero health post, are meant to enhance service delivery in the targeted communities.

“As the facility has been completed and now to be used by the communities, this means that we have alleviated problems that were being faced in terms of service delivery and at the same time, improving the livelihoods of the people in the district,” he stated.

Apart from renovating Chimkombero health post, the World Bank’s performance based grant, Governance to Enable Service Delivery (GESD) has also constructed two healthcare staff houses and two VIP latrines at the site, all to a tune of K181 million.