Lucheni Mukonka urges people to take Cholera outbreak seriously

Kulundana Ward Development Committee Chairperson, Lucheni Mukonka expressed concern at lack of seriousness for cholera prevention

Lucheni Mukonka urges people to take Cholera outbreak seriously, IMage: facebook
Lucheni Mukonka urges people to take Cholera outbreak seriously, IMage: facebook

Zambia: Kulundana Ward Development Committee Chairperson in Choma District, Lucheni Mukonka, expressed concern at the lack of seriousness in terms of cholera prevention. Notably, some areas of Zambia are struggling with the outbreak of cholera, leading to significant loss of life.

Despite more than 600 deaths due to the disease, the situation in the Choma district is worrying some stakeholders. Accordingly, Lucheni Mukonka came forward to express his disappointment with the situation in the district.


He revealed that some individuals in the area are disposing off used baby diapers along the banks of Choma Dam’s distributary water bodies. The ward development committee chairperson pointed out that he had seen the practice being prevalent near Njase Girls School.

Lucheni Mukonka revealed that some people from Kamunza and Chandamali have chosen to ignore the current Cholera outbreak. They are dropping solid waste materials anyhow. The Choma district has lost two lives due to the cholera outbreak.

One of the victims was a elderly man and the other a child. In the last month, the Choma district has recorded 13 cases of cholera. The officials have shared that they are taking every possible precaution to ensure that the infection does not spread.

The Ministry of Health of the Choma district closed fifteen premises in the Makalanguzu Market as they did not meet the ministry’s hygiene/sanitation standards. The aim of the practice was to reassert the district administration’s commitment to preventing infection.

In another demonstration of this commitment, The Kulundana Ward Development Committee Chairperson cautions those who dispose of waste anywhere to stop.

Meanwhile, former Kulundana Ward Development Committee Chairperson, Collen Munachoonga, has suggested that the area forms a Task Force. The force will help arrest anyone found dumping baby diapers anyhow.


Munachoonga highlights that residents from Kulundana Ward depend on Choma Dam as the main source of water for home consumption, hence must not be polluted.