MEC Sello Lehari nears completion of PTC financial aid in Gopane

Gopane, Northern West, South Africa: The MEC for the Department of Community Safety and Transport Management, Sello Lehari, is finalising the financial assistance package for the Provincial Taxi Council (PTC). 

MEC Sello Lehari nears completion of PTC financial aid in Gopane
MEC Sello Lehari nears completion of PTC financial aid in Gopane Image Credit: Facebook

Gopane, Northern West, South Africa: The MEC for the Department of Community Safety and Transport Management, Sello Lehari, is finalising the financial assistance package for the Provincial Taxi Council (PTC). 

MEC Lehari made the announcement during the Provincial Government’s accelerated service delivery programme called Thuntsha Lerole at Gopane Tribal Authority in the Ramotshere Moiloa Local Municipality. 


This is a finalisation of a long engagement process, and the MEC expressed gratitude to the Provincial Taxi Council for their patience and cooperation. 

“We are here after lengthy engagements, and finally, we are at the end of this long process to assist with administrative costs. This is in line with departmental mandate, which is to promote community and road safety through community mobilisation,” said Lehari. 

MEC encouraged the industry to work together to diffuse tensions and conflicts that often negatively impact commuters.  

“We may not always agree on certain points, but our mission and vision for the industry are similar to yours. Unite the industry and ensure that there is peace and harmony in the Province,” said MEC Lehari.

The process took longer as the Department benchmarked with other Provinces where the industry is financially assisted. 

The Chairperson of the Provincial Taxi Council, Mr Ebusang Tladi, appreciated the assistance and assured the MEC of the cooperation with the Department of the PTC. 


“With this funding, we will be able to implement a number of projects that are intended to improve our service in the industry and continue to work with the Department,” said Tladi.

The Department and the PTC have formed a team that will finalise the drafting of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for a three-year programme to address challenges in the industry.