More than 120 students are in worry for their future after death of Oulanyah

There are a total of 120 students whose school fees are dead because the former speaker of Parliament, ‘Jacob Oulanyah he was the one who was paying the fees and knew that students were worried over their future. 

In an interview held on Sunday, in which the students, most of whom are studying at Seroma Christan High School in Mukono, told grievers at Muyenga that the deceased former speaker of the 11th Parliament had taken the initiative to pay for our educators who are in need, and said that now they are not sure who is responsible for our education. 


According to Prossy Oyella, “He used to give us each and everything. He picked me in 2019, and now I am in s.3. he was not only my sponsor, but at the same time, I consider him as my mentor and my father. Our humble request is for the government of Africa, and especially to the new speaker that comes for our help. The former speaker used to give us everything, and now we are not sure about our future. This might be the last time that we are going to school.”

Moreover, students also stated that the former speaker Oulanyah picked them from a point where they had no hope left and were not able to continue education over many challenges, including school fees again but stated that he ensured a bright future by enrolling them at Seroma Christian High School in Mukono and paid for everything.


However, the students were given security by grievers led by the Chief Justice, Alphonse Owiny Dollo, that their school fees needs will be catered for.

According to Dollo, they Know that Jacob Oulanyah is dead, but not truly dead. We will keep him alive by setting up the Jacob Oulanyah Education Trust Fund, which I am privileged to chair, and members include the Rt. Hon Speaker of Parliament, among others.

The Chief Justice said, among others, that the fund would guarantee continuity of the education needs of the students that the deceased former speaker was looking after.


“It is our vow and determination that his children may not see him physically, but we will ensure that their dreams will get fulfilled by pursuing their education, and it will continue as it was and like he is alive. Those studying outside will not come back to Uganda to study but will continue where they are. We extend those who was Jacob’s responsibility owing to dependants,” Dollo said.

“This will be possible to its entirety if love shown to Oulanyah by our grief is converted into the contributions of Jacob Oulanyah Education Trust Fund. I assure you that not even half a coin of those funds will be put to the wrong use. Not under my watch. We will make this a reality.”

Describing Oulanyah as a brother, the Chief Justice urged he will ensure the dreams of the deceased former speaker are fulfilled.