Nairobi: Gatecrashers who fed 3-year-old with alcohol at Christmas party arrested

Nairobi: Following a distasteful video clip that has been doing rounds in sections of the media showing an adult giving scotch whiskey to a 3-year-old baby, detectives from DCI’s Child Protection Unit have arrested the suspect and his accomplice.

Nairobi: Gatecrashers who fed 3-year-old with alcohol at Christmas party arrested
Nairobi: Gatecrashers who fed 3-year-old with alcohol at Christmas party arrested Image credit: DCI Office Facebook Page

Nairobi: Following a distasteful video clip that has been doing rounds in sections of the media showing an adult giving scotch whiskey to a 3-year-old baby, detectives from DCI’s Child Protection Unit have arrested the suspect and his accomplice.

This is after the awful videotape shared by former Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko shocked netizens, including detectives monitoring online activities, who escalated the information to undercover sleuths specialised in hunting down child offenders.

The detectives based at the DCI Academy in South B conducted a comprehensive analysis using their state of the art software for tracking online child offenders and unmasking the identity of the suspects.

An undercover operation to arrest the suspects was laid, and in the wee hours of today morning, Edward Ndirangu Muhuka, 22 and Abdulmajid Hassan Arafat, 19, were picked from their slumber in Thindigua and Pangani estates, respectively.

Detectives have since established that the duo had just gatecrashed at a Christmas party to which their mutual friend had been invited and went on to outstay their welcome and behaved savagely after the level of kindness that had been extended to them.



The little baby’s mother, who retired to bed early after taking care of her guests, was shocked after being woken up at 2 am by concerned friends, who saw the trending videotape and shared it with her.

The duo have been arraigned at the Kiambu Law courts where the first accused pleaded guilty and the second accused not guilty to charges of failing to protect a child from drugs and substance abuse contrary to section 24 (1) (a) as read with section 24 (2) of the Children Act No. 29 of 2022.

The case will be mentioned on January 18, 2023, for the facts to be read to the first accused and a hearing date to be set. Meanwhile, the second accused was given a bond of Sh200,000 and a surety of a similar amount.

The Directorate of Criminal Investigations thanks netizens for the numerous notifications regarding this case and also congratulates the DCI Child protection detectives for a job well done.