Nakatondo area residents ask for bridge construction

Residents of Nakatondo area in Lukute Ward of Mangango Constituency in Kaoma District have asked the government to construct a bridge

Nakatondo area residents ask for bridge construction, Image: facebook
Nakatondo area residents ask for bridge construction, Image: facebook

Zambia: Residents of Nakatondo area in Lukute Ward of Mangango Constituency in Kaoma District have asked the government to construct a bridge. The bridge according to the members of the community must be constructed across Luena River.

The appeal comes as the area becomes inaccessible during rainy seasons due to flooding, causing pupils to miss classes or risk their lives using small canoes. The construction of the bridge will help in the promotion of the travel facilities in the region.

The community stakeholders have shared that it is important for the government of the country to prioritize the needs of the community. The bridge is a long awaited project for the residents of Nakatondo area in Lukute Ward of Mangango Constituency.

The local residents of the area have come forward to share their views on the situation. Ilukena Mundia, a local resident spoke to the media for an interview and highlighted the difficulties faced by the community.

“We are forced to travel over 50 kilometers to access a road connecting to the other side of the district. During rainy seasons, we are completely cut off from essential services like healthcare,” Mundia explained.

He emphasised the need for a permanent bridge as temporary ones are washed away by water during heavy downpours. The bridge collapses and in several cases lack of permanent structures can cause significant harm to the community.

People can even lose their lives as a result of flash flooding and other water related emergencies that may crop up. Currently, the community is waiting for the a favorable response from the government with regard to this issue.

The residents believe that is in the best interest of the future of the community for the government to take quick action. With the new development, all the aspects of standard  of living will see a boost, The community will be able to access roads and travel to all the communities connected by the river more easily.