PM Philip Pierre lauds progress of Youth Economic Agency

Saint Lucia: Prime Minister Phillip J Pierre of Saint Lucia expressed his happiness and pride about the positive impact of the Youth Economic Agency of Saint Lucia in his recent post.

PM Philip Pierre lauds progress of Youth Economic Agency
PM Philip Pierre lauds progress of Youth Economic Agency Image credit: Facebook

Saint Lucia: Prime Minister Phillip J Pierre of Saint Lucia expressed his happiness and pride about the positive impact of the Youth Economic Agency of Saint Lucia in his recent post.

He stated that the agency has been instrumental in improving the lives and livelihoods of young entrepreneurs in the region.


Further, he asserted that the demand for the programme among the youth has been overwhelming. Saint Lucia PM J Pierre decided to secure an XCD 20.52 million Loan – Grant Agreement with the Caribbean Development Bank to continue investing in training, mentorship, and financing youth-owned business start-ups and expansion.

Moreover, the PM also mentioned that his support towards the youth is infinite and will never stop with the necessary resources to become global citizens.

The Ministry of Commerce, Manufacturing, Business Development, Cooperatives and Consumer Affairs hosted the MSME Loan-Grant Progress Briefing on Wednesday, October 11, at the Finance Administrative Centre.

The MSME Loan-Grant Facility, which was launched on March 15 of this year, seeks to provide much-needed access to funding for owners of Micro, Small and Medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The progress briefing is intended to provide meaningful feedback to stakeholders through a highly interactive visual presentation, followed by a rapid-fire question-and-answer segment.

Saint Lucians seemed happy with Prime Minister Pierre’s development. One of the locals, Juliana Fredrick, said, “Great Work, PM, continue to do work like this, my MP. Your people love you, and God Bless you.”


“Well, if the funds will be used for its intended purpose, then I vote in favour of it. The intention of the Honorable Prime Minister is somewhat genuine, said Webster Emmanuel“, another user.

One of the users also said, “Great, continue the good work like this, and please work on highways too; that too also needs work.”