Premier Alan Winde meets YeBoneers in Porterville

YearBeyond Programme provides unemployed youth between the age of eighteen and twenty-five with meaningful work experience.

Premier Alan Winde with the YeBoneers in Porterville
Premier Alan Winde with the YeBoneers in Porterville

Cape Town: Premier of Western Cape – Alan Winde met with youngsters who participated in the YeBoneers in Porterville, California, United States. The young participants were involved in the YearBeyond Programme that provides unemployed youth between the ages of 18 and 25. 

Premier of Western Cape Alan Winde has shared a photograph with the young people who are gaining the meaningful work experience at the centre. 

Upon meeting them the Premier of Western Cape expressed, “It was fantastic to bump into some of the YeBoneers in Porterville! As these young people are helping us to do better.”

Winde mentioned that the YearBeyond Programme provides unemployed youth between the age of eighteen and twenty-five with meaningful work experience. Since, its launch in 2015, the programme has supported more than 10,000 young people.

Reportedly, ‘YearBeyond’ is a Youth Service partnership between the Government, donors and NGOs, in association with the National Youth Development Agency. 

‘YearBeyond’ is a national programmecommenced in the Western Capethat provides unemployed youth with the meaningful work experience and a pathway to further study or work, while at the same time it encourages a culture of community service.

Photograph of kids with the YearBeyond frame
Photograph of kids with the YearBeyond frame

‘YeBo Education’ is the longest running programme which was launched, back in the year 2015. It is a programme that trains bright and motivated young people, who are dedicated to serve as assistant teacher and tutors.

The ones who are running after the school literacy and numerical programmes for grades 3 and 4 learners or children in under-resourced schools across the Western Cape.  

The programme operates almost 100 low—and no-fee schools across the province. It deploys 500 young people who serve 8,000 learners annually.

Earlier in 2018, the programme expanded to YeBo Scouting. In 2020, it expanded to Data Administration, and in 2021, it expanded to YeBo Health.

Notably, YearBeyond provides two benefits to the youngsters, such as:

  • To the youth who are supported to make the transition from being NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training), to economically active residents. 
  • To the communities, especially those involving the children, learners, and families from vulnerable areas to whom services are extended.

Through these services, the youth on the Programme known as YeBoneerstackle the challenges communities face in education, social cohesion and well-being.