Retired army major arrested for defiling maid in Lusaka

Police in Lusaka have arrested a 67-year-old retired Zambia Army Major of Makeni Villa for defiling a minor who works for him.

Retired army major arrested for defiling maid in Lusaka, Image: facebook
Retired army major arrested for defiling maid in Lusaka, Image: facebook

Zambia: Police in Lusaka have arrested a 67-year-old retired Zambia Army Major of Makeni Villa. The Army Major has been accused of defiling his 15-year-old Maid over the course of two years.

The police officers who investigated the matter shared that the victim reported the incident to the officials. Deputy Police Public Relations Officer Danny Mwale confirmed that the victim alleged that she was defiled on several occasions.

The Army Major who has been taken into custody for the criminal act has been identified as Simutile. The victim noted that the suspect was her guardian and she has been living with him for several years.

According to the Deputy Police Public Relations Officer, Mwale, the victim revealed that the suspect had forcefully raped her on several dates over the course of two years. She clarified that the incident happened between 2021 and 2023 at his house.

He raped the victim when all other family members were not around at home. The Victim informed the police officers that she was working at the house of the suspect as a maid as a part of an arrangement.

Further, her monthly pay was being sent directly to her parents in Siavonga District. At the time of one such incident, the victim sneaked out of the house after she saw the suspect advancing towards her.

She ran to the Police Station where she reported the matter and immediately Police instituted investigations. After the investigation into the matter started, the police officers led to the suspect’s arrest.

The Deputy Police Public Relations Officer of the Lusaka police force informed the media that the victim was immediately moved to a Safe Home. The 15 year old victim is currently undergoing medical treatment while the suspect is detained in custody waiting to be formally charged.

The people of the country shared their condolences to the victim, hoping that she get the justice she deserves. Some social media users noted that the victim should also undergo post trauma counselling.