RUSA arrests minor for robbery in Amoutana – KZN

RUSA arrests minor for robbery in Amoutana - KZN, Image: facebook
RUSA arrests minor for robbery in Amoutana - KZN, Image: facebook

South Africa: The Reaction Unit South Africa has arrested a 16-year-old male for his involvement in a burglary in Amoutana – KZN. The arrest was made during the early hours of the morning on Wednesday.

The members of the community gave the reaction unit the information they needed to make the arrest. The RUSA Operations Centre received a tipoff of a burglary in progress at a tuckshop operating out of a house.

The call was received just after midnight and a team of Reaction Officers were dispatched to the scene of the crime. They reached the scene at approximately 00:12 Hours and saw one of the suspects leaving the tuckshop through a hole in the roof.

The officers were also accompanied by photograpers who clicked some images of the alleged suspect and crime scene for evidence. The reaction officers then saw that the suspect re-entered the scene of the crime after realizing that the reaction officers were present.

The reaction officers then asked the owner of the business to be present at the scene. Officers entered the premises after the owner arrived at the scene and  subsequently arrested the suspect.

The reaction officers then started their investigation into the matter and confirmed that the burglar was a teenager.  The victims found the suspect to be in the possession of a packet containing clothing.

The officers then interviewed the suspect regarding the robbery incident. He informed  the Officers that he had stolen the garments which were drying on a washing line from a property in the area.

The suspect was handed over to the Verulam SAPS who would take over the investigation from the Reaction Unit South Africa. The people of the country have stated that they are surprised that the suspect is still a teenager.

One social media user expressed, they learn to steal from a young age, and they will never stop, The people demanded that the punishment for the crime has to be harsh. Meanwhile they also lamented that the laws of the nation and province are not as stringent.