Scrap Yard evacuated after Mortar Bomb found in Phoenix KZN

The law enforcement agency has evacuated a scrap yard in Phoenix – KZN. after the employees found someone trying to disassemble mortar bomb.

Scrap Yard evacuated after Mortar Bomb found in Phoenix KZN, Image: facebook
Scrap Yard evacuated after Mortar Bomb found in Phoenix KZN, Image: facebook

South Africa: The law enforcement agency has evacuated a scrap yard in Phoenix KZN. The evacuation was done after the officials saw an individual attempting to disassemble a mortar bomb.

The officials of the Reaction Unit were also present at the evacuation ceremony. The officials have shared that they want to ensure that the members of the community are safe in the face of all issues.


Members of Reaction Unit South Africa (RUSA) were dispatched to the premises at approximately 15:56. The police officers have shared that the members of the community  asked them to assist in the evacuation process.

The reaction officers said that the employees of the scrap yard called he reaction unit for   helping in the evacuation process. On arrival, Reaction Officers evacuated the premises and sealed off the area for the members of the community.

The reaction officers talked to the employees of the scrap metal yard to ascertain what had transpired. The officials then established that a scrap metal collector was found attempting to disassemble the motor bomb.

He was trying to disassemble the bomb along the fence line of the scrap yard in Phoenix KZN.

The employees informed the officials that they tried to stop the man and contacted RUSA for assistance. The scrap collector also talked to the reaction officers and said that the driver of an Isuzu bakkie had given him the device

He asserted that the the Isuzu Bakkie also had a load of scrap metal in the back. The bakkie allegedly contained three (3) more mortar bombs but left prior to the arrival of Reaction Officers.


Officers are awaiting the arrival of the SAPS Explosives Unit as of 17:00 hours. The further investigation into the matter will continue after the SAPS Explosive Units.

The people of the country have come forward to share their views on the situation. They have criticized the government for not taking the appropriate action to keep weapons out of the hands of the general public.

The people claimed that the general public should also be educated about handling weapons safely.