Siabasimbi Village man died of snakebite claims post mortem report

The 40 year old man of Siabasimbi Village who was found dead in the Maize Field on April 1 had died due to a snake bite.

Siabasimbi Village man died of snakebite claims post mortem, Image: Facebook
Siabasimbi Village man died of snakebite claims post mortem, Image: Facebook

Zambia: The 40-year-old man of Siabasimbi Village who was found dead in the Maize Field on April 1 had died due to a snake bite. The revelation was made after the postmortem reports for the death of the victim were released.

The Zimba Mission Hospital certified the cause of death as a snake bite. The hospital authorities added that no physical injury was detected during the postmortem examination.

The exception of this report is a small puncture wound on the inner side of the deceased’s left leg. The puncture wound was likely caused by the bite of the snake which caused the death.

The police officials have clarified that the death was not a murder, which was the prime suspicion at the time of initial investigation. The team has shared that they also suspected injury on the scrotum at the time of the initial assessment.

However, the post-mortem reports suggest that the scrotum injury might have been caused by the deceased. Allegedly, the victim may have transferred the blood from his puncture wound to the scrotum as there was no injury.

Further, the post-mortem reports suggest that a highly venomous snake is suspected of having bitten the now-deceased. Notably, the scrotum was earlier suspected as injured; however, the reports suggested that there were no injuries on the part.

The Southern Province Commissioner of Police, Auxensio Daka spoke to the media and provided them with the updated details of the incident. He said that the skull of the deceased was opened and no injury was found on the head.

The deceased is said to have died after he went to look for a missing cow around midnight on April 1. Previously, he slept in his house with his junior most spouse but did not return after almost an hour. This prompted a search party, resulting in him being found dead in the field.