Snapchat Nudes Scam: Durban – KZN

South Africa: Three females contacted Reaction Unit South Africa (RUSA) requesting assistance after an unknown person obtained nude pictures from their Snapchat account.

Snapchat Nudes Scam: Durban - KZN
Snapchat Nudes Scam: Durban - KZN Image credit: Facebook

South Africa: Three females contacted Reaction Unit South Africa (RUSA) requesting assistance after an unknown person obtained nude pictures from their Snapchat account.

According to the complainants, they received messages from an unknown number. The person convinced them that he was a friend that they had not seen in a while and urgently required their log in details for their Snapchat accounts. The gullible victims provided the details only to contacted via WhatsApp shortly thereafter by a person claiming to have Nude pictures of them. He would then forward them the content.

The victims are all 19 years old. They confirmed that they stored nude pictures of themselves on the social media platform and were duped into providing their log in details. Two females were classmates at a school in Tongaat – KZN while the third victim attended a school in Phoenix – KZN.

One female was contacted while at her place of employment. She had not provided her work details. The individual requested that she send additional pictures of her breasts. When she declined, he threatened to leak the nudes to her family and employer.

The victim immediately changed log in details to all her social media accounts. Last night (Sunday) she received a message from Snapchat informing her that a user from Phoenix – KZN attempted to log into her account.

The public is requested to be cautious and not provide personal information on social media.