St Kitts and Nevis: PM Terrance Drew delivers address at COP28 health opening

St Kitts: The Prime Minister of St Kitts and Nevis, Dr Terrance Drew is currently attending the Conference of Parties 28 in Dubai, UAE. He was one of the keynote speakers for the event. During the event, Dr Drew was extremely excited to share the stage with world leaders and international figures like Bill Gates.

The health opening event was dubbed: Unpacking Political and Financial Commitments. Dr Terrance Drew was the only leader from the Caribbean who delivered a keynote address at the stage. The event focussed on health featured keynote addresses from many other high level officials.


The Prime Minister offered his remarks in the capacity of St Kitts and Nevis’ Minister of Health, a former practicing doctor and the CARICOM Lead Head with responsibility for issues related to Human Resource Development, Health, and HIV/AIDS.

The people of St Kitts and Nevis are appreciating the Prime Minister for representing the nation well in the various international organizations. Social media users claim that he has brought Every man, woman and child in St Kitts and Nevis is humbled and grateful to see your hard work on full display. Your progress is our progress. Respect.

The COP28 is dedicated to facilitating leaders from all over the world to come together and discuss ways of fighting climate change. Through the initiative, the world has reached many landmark decisions in favour of climate action.

Leaders from the Caribbean have played a significant role in helping the world leaders create a Loss and Damage Fund. The fund is designed to help the most vulnerable nations in the world.

The prime Minister has been sharing several glimpses from the various discussions and high level conferences that he attends. The Prime Minister is working hard to communicate the adverse affects of the climate crisis that St Kitts and Nevis is facing.

He maintains that his country, alongside many other nations of the global south are facing the most severe consequences of climate change despite not playing a part in creating it.
