Stray Lion Neutralized in Isoka District after attacking liveestock

The Department of National Parks and Wildlife (DNPW) in Isoka killed a stray lion in Milongo area of Isoka District

Stray Lion Neutralized in Isoka District after attacking livestock, Image: facebook
Stray Lion Neutralized in Isoka District after attacking livestock, Image: facebook

Zambia: The Department of National Parks and Wildlife (DNPW) in Isoka killed a stray lion in Milongo area in Isoka District. The animal had been becoming a cause of concern for the members of the village as they were fearful for their safety.

DNPW Human-Wildlife Conflict Hunter based in Chinsali District, Kennedy Bobo led the operation. He also confirmed the development to the media organizations in a telephone interview.

He also informed the members of the media that the beast was shot dead around 22:00 hours.

“The lion which had killed four cows and a goat, was gunned down last night around 22:00 hours by the Department of National Parks and Wildlife (DNPW).

The beast had ben terrorizing the people in the village for several days as such they were following his trail. The DNPW was also conducting night patrols after which they neutralized the lion before it caused any more damage.

He said the team had also intensified efforts, using bait and traps to prevent further attacks by stray beasts.

Local Veterinary Officer Bornface Mulima explained how one of the affected farmers had his bull killed. Meanwhile another was severely injured before it later succumbed to its wounds.

“It also attacked another cow and a goat nearby,” Mulima added.   He was most relieved to learn that the lion had finally been killed. He said for days, the community of Milongo lived in fear as the lion was repeatedly sighted near homes and farms.

According to him, the escalating attacks on livestock led to rising concerns about safety. Villagers were scared that the stray lion which is now dead would have started targeting people.

“Thankfully, the quick action by DNPW that prevented any human casualties,” he said.

Meanwhile, Milongo Village headman David Mwamulima expressed his gratitude to the wildlife department for resolving the situation.

“We are thankful that the lion has been killed without any loss of human life. The community can now return to normal without living in constant fear,” he added.

Isoka District Commissioner (DC) Jairo Simbeye disclosed that plans where under way for the DNPW to establish a permanent office in Isoka. Simbeye said that the move will enhance their ability to respond swiftly to wildlife incidents.

“We’ve allocated them office space, and once logistics are sorted, they will be stationed here, which will improve their effectiveness in handling such cases,” the commissioner stated.