Sugar Zambia pledges support of K1.6 Million to Mazabuka District

Sugar Zambia have extended a helping hand and pledged a financial support to Mazabuka District to a tune of K1.6 million to fight cholera

Sugar Zambia pledges support of K1.6 Million to Mazabuka District, Image: facebook
Sugar Zambia pledges support of K1.6 Million to Mazabuka District, Image: facebook

Zambia: Sugar Zambia have extended a helping hand to the government of the country to aid their struggle during the cholera outbreak. The organization has pledged financial support to Mazabuka District to the tune of K1.6 million.

The donation came ten days after donating K3.5 million to the national fight against Cholera. The 1.6 Million financial support is in addition to the earlier K500,000 the company donated towards the refurbishment of the Cholera Isolation Centre in Mazabuka District.


Zambia Sugar Medical Services Manager Dr Charles Machila presented the items purchased from donated money to the Mazabuka District Administration. The handover took place on Tuesday afternoon on behalf of Country Managing Director Oswald Magwenzi.

The delivered items include:

  • A truckload of 50 beds and corresponding blankets
  • 8, 000 liters of Intravenous fluid
  • Cannulas
  • Chunks
  • Disinfectants
  • Chlorine and 50 packets by 20 kilogrammes of sugar

Several other things which are not listed may have been included in the handover of the things.

Magwenzi reiterated that Zambia Sugar prides itself as a member of the wider community. Additionally, he pledged continued partnerships for the benefit of the citizenry.

Cementing the adage that charity begins at home, Magwenzi highlighted Zambia Sugar’s commitment to improving the health sector in Mazabuka and the company’s involvement in fighting Malaria.

He also noted that the company had refurbishment a COVID-19 Isolation Centre in Mazabuka at the height of the pandemic.


Meanwhile, gracing the donation, Mazabuka Central Constituency Member of Parliament, Gary Nkombo, thanked Zambia Sugar for the continued availability and support in various key areas.

Nkombo, who is also Minister of Local Government and Rural Development, directed the Local Authority in Mazabuka and other towns to come up with a day to conduct a cleaning exercise as is being done in Lusaka.

He further directed that Local Authorities in towns were street vending in the central business district is still prevalent to swing in action and move traders to designated locations.

The Zambian administration is thankful for the support of the various stakeholders who have donated to the cause.