Mbenje Health Centre struck by flash floods, affect operations
Flash floods in the community have impacted the flow of operations at Mbenje Health Centre in Nsanje after constant rain
Nyawa Rural Health centre reportshigh numbers of diarrhea cases
The Nyawa Rural Health centre in Kazungula District in Southern Province has recorded 956 non-blood diarrhea cases
Kalulushi District commemorates Intl day of the Girl Child
District Commissioner for Kalulushi Kelly Jibinga has applauded the Ministry of health for addressing the health needs of girls
CFTC asks schools to stop charging added fees for intl exams
The Competition and Fair Trading Commission (CFTC) has urged the educational institutions to not charge extra examination fees
Vera Kamtukule denies rumors suggesting Likoma Island sale
Malawi: Minister of Tourism, Vera Kamtukule has denied the credibility of allegations suggesting that government has put on sale Likoma Island. The rumours of these facts are doing rounds in…
Africa development bank funds water projects in Zambia
Africa Development Bank has been involved in the constriction of several water projects in remote areas across Zambia
Thyolo district authorities worried by increase in GBV stats
The administration and high level government officials in Thyolo District are worried about the rising cases of gender based violence (GBV)
PS Bernard Mpundu calls for enhanced border security
The Permanent Secretary of the Northern Province Bernard Mpundu has appealed to the Zambia Police service to ensure security
Botswana close Job Creation and Investment Climate Programme
The government of Botswana has recently concluded the Job Creation and Investment Climate (JCIC) Programme