Tongaat: Teen attempts suicide after failing final exams

KwaZulu Natal (Tongaat): A teenage boy in Tongaat, KwaZulu-Natal, attempted to commit suicide after reportedly failing his exams. As per reports, the 16-year-old had been stressed after the results went live.

The news came to light when his close friend visited his home because he was not answering his call; he discovered him hanging. Members of Reaction Unit South Africa (RUSA) were called out to a flat in Tongaat – KZN by his friend.


Reaction Officers interviewed the boy and enquired about his parents. He told RUSA Members that he lived with his grandmother and her flat until she died in September this year.

He further explained that he has since lived alone in order for him to travel to school. On weekends, he joins his parents on a farm where they are employed (location withheld).

The teenager did not provide a reason for the attempted suicide, but his friend informed Reaction Officers that he received his year end school report, which confirmed that he had failed.

Officers made contact with his uncle, who arrived shortly thereafter and confirmed that he would arrange for the male to receive necessary counselling.

“Residents of Tongaat are in deep shock and are advising students not to take this kind of step as Life is hard. Life is filled with many battles and troubles. But giving up and throwing in the towel is never a solution. It’s never an easy thing to fail. Especially when everything today is so public, but don’t lose heart. You are young; you have your whole Life ahead of you,” said a local.

Furthermore, he asserted, “You can always repeat the year. I understand in the moment, it doesn’t feel like it’s what you want to do, but you will see how quickly time flies. Eventually, you may realise it’s not the end of the world. Being successful in the eyes of the public is not the be-it-all and end it. There’s more to Life.”


“Your future is bright; the reason we feel so sad at the moment, especially when it’s hard, is because we can’t see the future. If only you can see the future, you will keep persevering. I wish you all the best, he concluded.”