Training schools out of bounds for all ranks- ZAF Commander

Zambia Air Force (ZAF) Commander, Lt Gen Colin Barry Wednesday, 20 September 2023 visited ZAF Samora Machel Air Force Base and the Kapotwe Chintu Military Training School (KCMTC) in Mbala. Lt Gen Barry said he was happy with the positive energy around personnel and with the initiative to upgrade infrastructure. He observed that the school is ready to host and conduct recruits' military training.

Training schools out of bounds for all ranks- ZAF Commander
Training schools out of bounds for all ranks- ZAF Commander Image credit: Facebook

Zambia Air Force (ZAF) Commander, Lt Gen Colin Barry Wednesday, 20 September 2023 visited ZAF Samora Machel Air Force Base and the Kapotwe Chintu Military Training School (KCMTC) in Mbala. Lt Gen Barry said he was happy with the positive energy around personnel and with the initiative to upgrade infrastructure. He observed that the school is ready to host and conduct recruits’ military training.

However, Lt Gen Barry sounded a serious warning to all personnel not attached to the School not to interfere with the training of recruits saying his Command will not tolerate interference in the military training programme.


“Military training is a critical component on which the Air Force as an institution is founded. If we interfere with and compromise the training then future servicemen and women will lack substance and will be unable to undertake tasks associated with the institution. We shall train recruits according to prescribed military standards. Those coming in for this training must be the ready and brave to undergo the correct training,” Lt Gen Barry said.

The ZAF Commander directed that all personnel not accredited to the training school to remember that the school was out of bounds to them. He said that once the trainees report at the schools they will all be under the care and supervision of the Directing Staff and Instructors till they are churned back into society as servicemen and women ready to serve the country with pride, passion, integrity and commitment.

The ZAF Commander’s visit was undertaken with the Heads of Department who walked the ground and toured the kitchen, bakery, sleeping quarters, dinning and messing facilities, classrooms, sick quarters, banquet halls, swimming pool, the small arms range and the parade square, among other facilities.

The Air Force Commander also took time to address the Directing Staff and Instructors and assured them of his Command’s support as they undertake their duties.

Meanwhile, ZAF Samora Machel Station Commander, Col Oliver Bwalya said the Station was ready to support the School during the training of programme.

And KCMTC Commanding Officer, Lt Col M Kayunga said that training will undoubtedly take place and the Non-Commissioned Officer Corp will be produced for the next middle managers who will be physically and mentally equipped to defend and support national interest.


The Air Force Commander later interacted with lecturers from St Mary’s Teachers ‘ Training College who have been administering teaching methodologies to the faculty ahead of commencement of training.

Lt Gen Barry also visited the block making bussiness venture where he commended the team for value addition to the Air Force as it was contributing in revenue as a Non Public Fund (NPF) initiative.

He promoted Flight Sergeant Nasilele in charge of the venture to Warrant Officer Class Two for executing his duties competently.