Over a debate in Parliament on “Education of Pregnant Girls”, they support the women and the pregnant girls to resume their studies following the long lockdown period after the COVID-19.
According to the Chairperson of the Uganda Women Parliamentary Association (UWOPA), “Sarah Opendi”, in a House sitting on Tuesday, February 01, 2022, the all-church who give funds to schools have banned pregnant girls from attending classes.
As per “Bishop John Ssebaggala”, who mainly provide funds to schools, pregnant girls cannot join back schools.
According to the Minister for Education, “Opendi” “Our Worship is that this girl should be allowed to enter in school.”
The Deputy Speaker, Anita Among, said that President Yoweri Museveni recently enunciated that Pregnant girls should be allowed to access school.
“Among” added and repeated that this need to have a motion in the matter. And we cannot make a rule now, and it does not matter whether the church is going to donate or not. The only thing matter is that every sub-country have a school.
According to the Minister for Gender, Labor and Social Development, “Hon Betty Amongi,” the ministry is collaborating with the multi-sectoral approach, which is mainly targetting the civil society, United Nations agencies and Authorities in addressing the matter.
The Vice President, the Minister for Education and the Prime Minister are leading a national campaign on the matter of educating pregnant girls. This approach has outlined a strategy that will cater to girls who want to go back to school and those who consider school as optional skills, said Amongi.
According to Aisha Kabanda (NUP, Butambala District), he conducted a tour where he examined that the pregnant girls who came back to school after lockdown are not feeling comfortable when they sit in class and study.
In schools, they have a desk of four students on which pregnant girls can not be able to get fit because of their size. They felt congestion, and the class environment is not suitable for pregnant girls.