Zimbabwe: US Embassy Official Eric Kimpton kills girl aged 11 with car

The incident occurred in Dema, which is a peri-urban area in south of Harare, on June 03, 2024. The girl Takamhanya tragically died on the scene due to the impact of the speeding vehicle.

Representative image of US Embassy
Representative image of US Embassy

Zimbabwe has accused American Diplomat – Eric Kimpton, as he flew away of the country after hitting and killing an 11-year-old girl with his car. The Rhodesian country has demanded his return to the country to account for the incident.

In his clarification, Kimpton said that he was traumatised and travelled for counselling.

Reportedly, the US Embassy Official is facing diplomatic storm after allegedly running over and killing an 11-year-old Zimbabwean girl – Ruvarashe Takamhanya.

The incident occurred in Dema, which is a peri-urban area in south of Harare, on June 03, 2024. The girl Takamhanya tragically died on the scene due to the impact of the speeding vehicle.

As per the sources, the second secretary of the US Embassy – Eric Kimpton, fled away from the country in less than 24 hours after the accident. He invoked diplomatic immunity and left Zimbabwe with his family, citing the trauma and the need for counselling services.

While giving his official statement to the police, Kimpton added that he would return to Zimbabwe within two weeks. However, he has not come back till now.

Spokesperson for the Zimbabwe Republic Police – Commissioner Paul Nyathi confirmed that the accident and the lack of progress in this hit and run case.

As a result of his departure, the police was unable to complete the necessary required documentation and formalities which are required to proceed with the investigation.

Spokesperson Nyathi said that the police who attended the scene were told that he needed a period to rest, but were told later that he was no longer in the country.

He further added to his statement and cleared that the documentation process hasn’t been completed and the matter is still before the police as the cops could not proceed with the formalities in his absence.

Nyathi also cleared that it appeared as he is no longer coming back to Zimbabwe and the police has filed a case against Eric Kimpton following his failure to appear for questioning.