ActionAid Zambia helps Western Province access safe water to children

ActionAid Zambia has constructed and handed over two water reticulation facilities at two schools in Nalolo District of Western Province.

ActionAid Zambia hand over water reticulation facilities
ActionAid Zambia hand over water reticulation facilities

Zambia: ActionAid Zambia has constructed and handed over two water reticulation facilities at two schools in Nalolo District of Western Province. The schools who received the donation are: Makwibi Primary School and Lwimba Primary school

Western Province Acting Deputy Permanent Secretary, Richard Mulwanda appreciated ActionAid- Zambia for making sure that children have safe and clean drinking water. The government of Zambia, in the western province is also working towards this mandate.


ActionAid Interim Country Director, Jovina Nawenzake says his organisation saw that the children were not able to access clean and safe water. So, they decided to install water facilities at the two schools.

The handover ceremony for the reticulation facilities took place on November 29, 2023. During the event, Nawenzake said ActionAid sympathised with the learners on the challenges they underwent. She believes that adding that nobody should take that as normal practice.

“As parents and responsible guardians, what the children went through is a trend that we were never pleased of,” she added.

Nawenzake thanked Nalolo Town Council and other partners that made it possible to have the water reticulation facilities installed at the two schools.

“This project may look simple in the eyes of an ordinary person but it has a great influence to shape the aspirations of young children in Makwibi and Lwambi communities,” she pointed out.

ActionAid continues their work in fostering, supporting and speaking for the advancement of children’s rights. It believes in accessibility, acceptability, availability and adaptability for all situations.


The Western Province Acting Deputy Permanent Secretary, Richard Mulwanda said ActionAid saw the need to spend huge money to install two water reticulation systems in Nalolo. Therefore it is the responsibility of the district administration and some government departments to take care of the facility.

“We cherish with both hands the support that you have given to us as government hence we shall not take this gesture lightly,” he said.

Mulwanda also thanked ActionAid for the other infrastructure support that it has provided to other communities in Nalolo district.

A grade six pupil at Makwibi primary school, Andrew Luhinda thanked ActionAid and the government for the water facility.

Andrew assured the organisation that the pupils and communities will take care of the facility. This is because they have suffered for a long time carrying water in bottles from home to school.