Behavioural change is important, Minister Rakgare tells ByteSize College Graduates

South Africa: Tumiso Rakgare yesterday relayed a motivational goodwill message to Class of 2022 graduates from ByteSize College in Gaborone at an event held at Boipuso hall, as per the information of the Ministry of Youth, Gender, Sport and Culture Botswana. 

Behavioural change is important, Minister Rakgare tells ByteSize College Graduates
Image credit: Ministry of Youth, Gender, Sport and Culture Botswana

South Africa: Tumiso Rakgare yesterday relayed a motivational goodwill message to Class of 2022 graduates from ByteSize College in Gaborone at an event held at Boipuso hall, as per the information of the Ministry of Youth, Gender, Sport and Culture Botswana. 

Information also states that Minister Rakgare congratulated and motivated all the graduates for their job well done, saying that “More often than not, we see posts on social media platforms trying to dampen your spirits by sensationalizing realities of unemployment that await you. Do not focus on such negative comments from people who only look at the glass as half empty.

Furthermore, he continued by saying, “We cannot deny the fact that unemployment remains one of the biggest challenges of most countries. However, we need to focus on the bigger picture, people like you who are ready to create employment for yourselves and your peers.”

He further went on to remind graduates that behavior change is necessary to drive change in this country, saying that the President of the Republic of Botswana, Dr M.E.K. Masisi, preaches the Reset Agenda at every opportunity so that Batswana can understand where he wants to take this country. 

Ministry of Youth, Gender, Sport and Culture Botswana also mentioned that he then explained the most important value of the Reset Agenda is Mindset Change, putting emphasis on the fact that young people must not find comfort in believing that Government will do everything for them.

In the end, he concluded by highlighting that the Botswana National Youth Council advocates for youth in all spheres of their lives.

In Botswana, people struggle with unemployment and also with money, Network, Electricity and water.

Unemployment rates in Botswana are high, and so many graduates are sitting unemployed in their homes. Instead of being hired and people usually suggest to each other to do free internships.

According to one of the ex-students of Botswana ‘Akanya Gotwe’, “It is very painful to be at home for 10 years; what is that we have to do to overcome employment because we are ageing?