The Botswana Police Service (BPS) is organizing a workshop for the pastors on the topic of Gender Based Violence. The workshop was hosted at the conclusion of the Sixteen days of activism against Gender Based Violence.
The workshop was hosted in collaboration with the Gender and Child Protection Branch (GCPB) of the BPS. During this workshop, the pastors were expected to learn key strategies and principles to address Gender-Based Violence (GBV).
The workshop which was held in Tlokweng on Monday, with the officials from the Police Service in attendance. The organization wanted to encourage pastors to continue providing emotional and psychosocial support.
They are important members of the community and can help both GBV survivors and perpetrators. CEO of the Botswana Gender-Based Violence Prevention and Support Centre Lorato Ruth Moalosi addressed the Pastors.
She asked the members of the community to condemn cultural norms and religious practices that perpetuate GBV. She said that it was very important to create safe and supportive areas where survivors can share their experiences.
The officials of the Botswana Police Service want to make sure that any survivors can havee a space to seek help. She said that GBV is a national issue that requires the collective effort of all stakeholders.
Chief Executive Officer of the Botswana Gender-Based Violence prevention and Support Centre has praised the BPS for its proactive initiatives. She believes that they allow people to share valuable information and develop the necessary skills to effectively address the challenges faced by victims and caregivers.
Assistant Superintendent Messiah Makola, representing the Gender and Child Protection Branch provided an overview of the workshop, acknowledging that pastors are key stakeholders because victims and suspects of GBV are often referred to churches for spiritual support.
She said that it was important for the leaders to be trained with skills to properly address these sensitive issues. She also added that it is important to cultivate strong relationships among stakeholders as it will help in improving the protection of vulnerable groups and contributing to a society free of GBV.
The workshop was attended by church elders from various congregations in Gaborone. The whole community has already pledged their commitment to fighting gender based violence.