Zambia: The police force of Copperbelt province has arrested a 28-year-old man from Minsundu Township who allegedly sat for an examination for another person on Tuesday this week at NOTEC.
The suspect has been identified as Happy Lupiya. He was caught red-handed while impersonation during an exam at Northern Technical College (NOTEC) in Ndola in the Copperbelt Province.
The police force of Copperbelt Province has started the official investigation into the incident. Police Commanding Officer Peacewell Mweemba announced that Lupiya was arrested for exam malpractice.
One of the invigilators working in the exam hall where Lupiya was giving the exam on behalf of someone else noticed the absence of one of the students. The invigilator then reported the matter to the police officials.
The student has been identified as Blessings Katuta and the police force has arrested the suspect. The invigilator, Bright Challeh, was responsible for making the discovery and reporting the matter to the authorities.
“He (Katuta) sent another person by the name of Happy Lupiya, who is a former student at NOTEC to write on his behalf,” The invigilator informed the police officials.
Meanwhile, The Commanding Officer noted that upon discovery of impersonation, the matter escalated and was later reported to the police.
“The suspect has been arrested and a docket of case opened” announced CO Peacewell Mweemba.
The people of Zambia have announced their disappointment with the actions of the student and advised him to make better choices in the future. The Examination Council of Zambia has clarified that impersonation is a crime punishable by law.
The students are not allowed to indulge in the following activities:
– write an exam for another person
– allow another person to write an exam for you
The Examination Council has also announced the penalty for the offence of impersonation: Cancellation of results in all subjects, barring candidates from taking ECZ exams, and if found guilty, one can be sentenced to serve a jail term.