CS Namwamba launches KeNIA 5yr strategic plan

Ababu Namwamba has launched the Kenya National Innovation Agency (KeNIA) five-year strategic plan which would run from 2023-2027.

CS Namwamba launches KeNIA 5yr strategic plan, Image: Facebook
CS Namwamba launches KeNIA 5yr strategic plan, Image: Facebook

Kenya: The Cabinet Secretary for Youth Affairs, Creative Economy, and Sports Ababu Namwamba has launched the Kenya National Innovation Agency (KeNIA). The five-year strategic plan would run from 2023-2027.

The initiative aims to align its programs to its mission of fostering a dynamic national innovation system to drive job and wealth creation. The Ministry of Youth Affairs, Sports and Creative Economy has working hard to support the young talents of the country.

The ministry has taken several initiatives to make sure that the creatives and innovators of the country can profit from their talent. The President of Kenya launched the 10-year National Innovation Master Plan at Kenya Innovation Week 2023.

The plan sets the course for the nation’s innovation ecosystem. The Kenya Innovation Week saw people from several countries coming together and showcasing their innovations.

“We are committed to supporting the Agency to grow its budget to help it deliver on the masterplan and the implementation of the bold strategic plan.”

The event was attended by several officials from the creative sector of Kenya. During the launch, CS Namwamba delivered a brief address.

He stressed the crucial role that innovation plays in accelerating the country’s economic transformation agenda, specifically in the Creative Economy.

“Presently, Kenya’s Innovation Ecosystem ranks first in East Africa and eighth on the Continent (Global Innovation Index (GII) 2023 report). Unfortunately, while Kenya performs well regionally, it lags behind globally, particularly in the dimensions of skills, infrastructure, and financing.” CS Ababu quipped.

CS Ababu took the opportunity to invite stakeholders to collaborate and partner with KeNIA for the success of the initiative the government aims to improve the country’s socio-economic development.

The Chairperson of the Kenya Innovation Board, Professor Tom Ogada was also present at the launch event. He affirmed, “We have aligned our aspirations in the strategic plan with the Bottom-Up Economic Transformation Agenda (BETA) and also with science, technology, and innovation strategy.”

Present were CEO KeNIA Dr Tony Omwansa and Secretary of Youth Development Mr. Raymond Ochieng among others.