Botswana: The Gaborone City Council has nabbed two illegal waste disposers for dumping waste at various sites across the city. The Council officers claimed that they had identified the offenders and warned them to make amends.
The administration of Gaborone has intensified its city upkeep efforts and discouraged illegal waste dumping in the various areas of the Botswanan Capital. The administration is working dedicatedly to ensure that the people maintain cleanliness and hygiene in the city.
The administration has shared posts of the areas where the illegal waste dumping took place. The city council’s social media pages also featured the images of the offenders, even though the names of the offenders were not revealed on the public platform.
In the first instance, Three individuals were caught in the act, dumping construction rubble in the bushes. The offenders were placing the waste behind the Botswana National Youth Sports Council.
The officials of the city council shared that they discovered the offenders during a routine inspection. They revealed that after they were caught unloading rubble in an unauthorized area, perpetrators were fined.
Afterwards, they were ordered to remove rubble and take it for safe disposal. In another incident, Gaborone City Council employees tracked down an individual who dumped waste in the Block 6 passage.
Notably, the perpetrators were not present at the scene in this case and it was the responsibility of the City Council officials to find the responsible individuals. The officials have shared the images from this site as well while sharing the details of the offence.
A pile of garbage was found deposited in a passage opposite ABM University and Block 6 Mosque. Documents on the scene led to the identity of the perpetrator who was then fined and ordered to collect waste for safe disposal.
The perpetrators were then ordered to submit disposal slips to the City Council as proof of safe disposal in both cases. The people of Gaborone have been appreciating the efforts of the City council to educate and motivate locals to keep their surroundings clean and beautiful.