Man shot in Hazelmere – KZN over fraternizing in Bar

A man was shot in the abdomen for allegedly trying to make untoward advances on a female in Hazelmere – KZN.

Man shot in Hazelmere – KZN over fraternizing in Bar, Image: facebook
Man shot in Hazelmere – KZN over fraternizing in Bar, Image: facebook

South Africa: A man was shot in the abdomen for allegedly trying to make untoward advances on a female in Hazelmere – KZN. The incident happened in the morning hours of Sunday, however the trigger for the incident may have come when the victim was in a bar the previous night.

According to the witnesses of the incident, the victim was seen in a local bar  on Saturday evening. He was trying to approach a female without her consent. Afterwards, he was asked to leave the bar by the bartender.

The male was shot at his home in Hazelmere – KZN the next morning after the suspects confronted him. The members of the community reached out to the authorities to seek help around 08:01.

The Reaction Unit immediately dispatched a team of officers to the location where they met some witnesses. The members of the community informed the Reaction officers that the victim had been rushed to the hospital privately after  being shot.

After the team reached the team, they recovered two spent 9mm cartridges. The team has shared that the suspect also resided in the same area as the victim. They interviewed the suspect after getting his address from the witnesses.

As per the officials, the suspect had a licensed Girsan 9mm pistol (picture 2). On being questioned by the RUSA, the suspect confirmed that he approached the victim.

He also confirmed that the he questioned the victim about his behavior at the bar. Afterwards, he noted that the victim took out a sjambok and tried to whip him and attack him.

Afterwards, he  fired two shots from his weapon one of which struck the victim in the abdomen. After shooting the victim, he fled from the scene of the crime. The Reaction Unit has not confirmed the suspect’s relationship with the woman.

The Reaction Unit arrested the suspect for his crime and handed him over to the South Africa Police Service in Verulam.