Mauritius, Georgia, participate in 48th Plenary Assembly Parliamentarian of La Francophonie

Mauritius: The Speaker of the National Assembly of Mauritius, Sooroojdev Phokeer, GCSK, GOSK, is leading a parliamentary delegation to Tbilisi, Georgia. The board includes Dr Marie Christiane Dorine Chukowry, MP and PPS, and Gilles Fabrice David, MP. They will participate in the 48th Plenary Assembly Parliamentarian of La Francophonie (APF) and its associated meetings.

Mauritius leads Parliamentary delegation to Georgia for Francophonie Assembly
Mauritius leads Parliamentary delegation to Georgia for Francophonie Assembly Image credit: Facebook

Mauritius: The Speaker of the National Assembly of Mauritius, Sooroojdev Phokeer, GCSK, GOSK, is leading a parliamentary delegation to Tbilisi, Georgia. The board includes Dr Marie Christiane Dorine Chukowry, MP and PPS, and Gilles Fabrice David, MP. They will participate in the 48th Plenary Assembly Parliamentarian of La Francophonie (APF) and its associated meetings.

During his speech during the Political Commission on the political news of the sections, the Speaker highlighted, at the national level, the economic and political stability of the Republic of Mauritius and the various measures taken by the government to ensure the continuity and the role of Mauritius within the Francophonie.


At the regional level, in his capacity as President of the Association of Parliamentarians of the Member States of the Indian Ocean Commission (AP-COI), the Speaker expressed the wish for support from TAPF in the approaches to the objectives of this association.

In the international aspect, he emphasized the decision of the International Court of Justice and the General Assembly of the United Nations on the sovereignty of Mauritius on the Chagos Archipelago and the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea on the delimitation of the maritime zones between Mauritius and the Maldives.

During the Committee on Education, Communication and Cultural Affairs meeting, Dr Chukowry focused on the Mauritian government’s policy and actions in education and social inclusion.

In the meeting of the Circular Economy Commission for Cooperation and Development, David spoke of the need for regional cooperation in the French-speaking area at the level of the Indian Ocean and the African continent to better transfer knowledge and intelligent pooling to create profitable recycling channels.

A fruitful meeting was held between the ministries in his capacity as President of TAP-COI. The President of the APF, Francis Drouin, Canadian Deputy, in the framework of a cooperation project between the PA-COI and the APF as well as the consideration of observer status for the PA-COI with the APF The Speaker also met the Georgian President, Madame Salome Zurabishvili and the Prime Minister of Georgia, Irakli Garibashvili.

The Speaker intends to intervene, during the plenary session, on the main theme of the debate, mobility in the French-speaking world and his capacity as President of AP-COI to bring forward the joint declaration of AP-COI on support for printers of the Romanian Presidency of the African Union (AU) and the Seychelles Presidency, and the Mauritian Vice-Presidency of the


Parliamentary Forum, which was adopted and validated under his presidency in May 2023 in Mahé in Seychelles and for advocacy support from APF.

A meeting is also planned between the ministers and the members of his delegation, and his Georgian counterpart, Shalva Papuashvil.