Malawi: Ministry of Lands has issued 1 661 Certificate of Customary Estates to farmers at Wowo Irrigation Scheme. The handover of the certificates was hosted on Tuesday, in Traditional Authority Nkhulambe in Phalombe.
The officials have shared that the handover of the land titles was a crucial part of the government’s support to the farmers of the nation. The officials have shared that this is the first time that the Ministry of Lands has handed over Certificate of Customary Estates in Phalombe.
The Commissioner of Lands, Precious Tembo has shared that the they have been conducting similar exercises in Chikwawa, Nsanje and Zomba. The officials have shared the details of the initiative with the media during an interaction.
The media interview happened after the handover of the Certificate of Customary Estates to the farmers.
“Once we have issued the certificates, it means the land cannot be sold, but the owners would be renting it out to others who want to use the land productively and this will also help to reduce land wrangles among family members,” he said.
Tembo added that issuing of certificates is in accordance with the 2016 Land Laws, pointing out that most of the certificates were issued in Chikwawa and Nsanje under the Shire Valley Transformation Project (SVTP).
Phalombe District Council Chairperson, Lesten Kondwani was also present at the handover ceremony. He thanked the Ministry of Lands for issuing certificates to farmers as a part of the scheme.
He said that this would go a long way in addressing land disputes among family and community members who were storming the District Commissioner’s Office for redress.
One of the beneficiaries, Dolifa Massa from Dekadeka Village said the certificate has guaranteed them full ownership of their land and that they would help them secure the pockets of land from perpetrators who would want to sell or take away their land.
Over 100 000 certificates have already been issued and over 200 000 certificates are being processed under the SVTP, Malawi Watershed Services Improvement Project in Zomba and Programme for Rural Irrigation Development in Phalombe.