Road rehabilitation to begin in Kaputa Town Council

The high level administration Kaputa Town Council has announced that they have started the rehabilitation process of the access and feeder roads

Road rehabilitation to begin in Kaputa Town Council, Image: facebook
Road rehabilitation to begin in Kaputa Town Council, Image: facebook

Zambia: The high level administration Kaputa Town Council has announced that they have started the rehabilitation process of the access and feeder roads in the district. The  members of the community have been asking the community to give them access to better road infrastructure.

The leadership of the district has shared that they are delighted to provide the people of the ditrict wth the best amenities available to them. The Kaputa Council Chairperson, Kennedy Chola shared the motive of the rehabilitation process.

He said that the roads will help in ensuring that the members of the community can move and travel easily. The movement of people, goods, and services will improve tremendously with the reconstruction of the roads.

Chairperson Chola said the local authority will use the newly acquired earth-moving equipment to do the work. He said he is happy with the development, stating that he is eager to see a change in the state of the roads in the area.

The members of the community are also delighted to see the development in their community. The rehabilitation initiative will make the people’s life easier and help them in doing better business.

He added noted that the local authority will start with the Choma-Mutima feeder road in Mowa ward. He has encouraged people in Mowa ward to cooperate with the local authority as they start working on the road in the area.

Meanwhile Mowa Ward Councillor, Keniston Chipengwe has expressed delight with the development, saying people in the ward will now move easily without difficulties.

Councillor Chipengwe said people in his ward have stayed with the poor road network, which hinders development.

He further said the roads, the local authority is working on are leading to two schools, namely, Choma Mutima and Kasungwe Primary Schools, and Kasungwe Health Post.

Meanwhile, the residents of the ward have thanked Kaputa Town Council for initiating the road developments.

Meanwhile, James Mambwe, a farmer in the same area, said he is happy that he will now be able to easily transport his agricultural produce to Kaputa town.