Sheal Mulyata visits Lusaka schools, check cholera compliance

The Province Minister of Lusaka Sheal Mulyata has visited three schools in Rufunsa District on Tuesday, February 27.

Sheal Mulyata visits Lusaka schools, check cholera compliance, Image: facebook
Sheal Mulyata visits Lusaka schools, check cholera compliance, Image: facebook

Zambia: The Province Minister of Lusaka Sheal Mulyata, visited three schools in Rufunsa District on Tuesday, February 27. The aim of the visit was to check on the adherence levels to the cholera guidelines put in place by the government.

The schools visited are Kankumba, Chinyunyu and Nyangwena combined Schools.

The government of the country has been working hard to ensure that the cholera outbreak that the country is struggling with, can be contained.

Lusaka has emerged as the worst affected province in the country. Large number of the cases related to the cholera outbreak originated in the province. Previously, the situation was so hard that the education department had to delay the opening of the school for the new term.

The reason for the delay was the increasing number of cholera cases in the country. Meanwhile, many schools were directed to ensure that their facilities are in compliance with cholera prevention guidelines.

Minister of the Lusaka Province Mulyata was happy with the compliance levels of the schools she visited. She further encouraged teachers to continue delivering quality education.

The Minister also said that the government will make sure decent accommodation is provided to teachers. The aim of the initiative to encourage teachers to work hard.

Minister Sheal Mulyata urged teachers not to engage themselves from politics but rather concentrate on providing their services to the learners.

Meanwhile, Kankumba Combined School Head Teacher Vincent Phulu also welcomed the visit from the minister. He said the school is committed  to supporting the government to ensure every child is in school, especially a girl child.

Head teacher Phulu noted that the school, through the production unit has put up financial generating projects. These projects are expected to help the community solve the challenges which the school and pupils are facing.

“My Minister, some pupils walk from far places coming to school and some men take advantage of our girls hence, as a school, am proud to inform you that we have put up a five roomed boarding house that will accommodate 30 girls coming from far places at a fee and we are also in a poultry business,” he said.