South Africa: The Deputy Chief of the South African Air Force, Major General Mayenzeke Matanda, visited Air Force Base Makhado, also known as the “The Fighter Town”, on 04 May 2023. This is part of his scheduled staff visits to various South African Air Force Bases/Units with the aim of introducing himself as the fairly newly appointed Deputy Chief Air Force.
Upon his arrival, Major General Matanda and his team were received by the Acting Officer Commanding, Colonel Jermaine Fortune and the Base Command Council. It was validation that he was in Makhado when the sound of a Gripen that was busy with flying sorties in preparation for the SA Air Force Museum Air Show also welcomed him.
As part of the visit, Major General Matanda met with the Base Command Council and Staff Services Council at the Blesbok Conference Room, where the Acting Officer Commanding, Colonel J. Fortune, exchanged pleasantries with Major General M.M. Matanda and his team and he further introduced the Base Command Council and Staff Services Council to the Deputy Chief of Air Force. The Acting Officer Commanding Air Force Base Makhado, Colonel J. Fortune, also presented about challenges and successes of the Base.
After meeting the Base Command Council, Major General M.M. Matanda proceeded to Kremetart Hall to meet and greet and also introduce himself to Air Force Base Makhado members. In his address, he said, “I believe in introducing myself and sharing my intent and how to achieve those plans with the members I will be working with, as we all strive to achieve the organisation’s goals and objectives.”
He further highlighted the Vision and Mission of the South African Air Force and explained how as a collective, those are going to be achieved. Major Gen. Matanda said, “The Vision of the South African Air Force is preparing us to be the biggest Air Force in the world since we are one of the oldest Air Forces. The new generation will make it possible for us by bringing innovative ideas into the organisation”.
He further encouraged the Base members to align themselves with the South African Air Force Vision and Mission along with the Base Vision and Mission as it is its identity.
Major General Matanda highly commended the Acting Officer Commanding, Colonel J. Fortune and the Base Command Council for doing a great job in taking care of the Base and keeping it clean.
He also thanked the Base members for supporting the Command Structure by continuously carrying out instructions and executing their duties as expected, regardless of the challenges that the Base has. He further urged members to continue working hard and be innovative regardless of the shortage of resources.
He promised to visit Air Force Base Makhado in the near future as it is one of the best Air Force Bases in the South African Air Force.
After his address, Major General Matanda visited 85 Combat Flying School, where the Acting Officer Commanding, Captain Daniel Marais, presented the current status of the school, including challenges and highlights.
Major General M.M. Matanda ended his day visit at 2 Squadron, where the Officer Commanding Lieutenant Colonel Josias Mashaba prepared a Gripen flip to welcome Major General M.M. Matanda at the Fighter Town. He also received a token of appreciation from the Acting Officer Commanding Air Force Base Makhado.