St Kitts and Nevis Foreign Affairs Minister Denzil Douglas highlights country’s efforts for progress

Saint Kitts and Nevis: The Foreign Affairs Minister of St Kitts and Nevis, Denzil Douglas, recently delivered his remarks in the 2023 Diplomatic Week, which has been going from the past three weeks. Dr Douglas played an essential part in the ceremony and discussed the country's efforts for its progress in his address.

St Kitts and Nevis Foreign Affairs Minister highlights country's efforts for progress during Diplomatic Week
St Kitts and Nevis Foreign Affairs Minister highlights country's efforts for progress during Diplomatic Week

Saint Kitts and Nevis: The Foreign Affairs Minister of St Kitts and Nevis, Denzil Douglas, recently delivered his remarks in the 2023 Diplomatic Week, which has been going from the past three weeks. Dr Douglas played an essential part in the ceremony and discussed the country’s efforts for its progress in his address.

During his remarks, he mentioned that the diplomatic relations of St Kitts and Nevis had gained more importance as they continued to build and invest for the coming four decades. In essence, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Trade, Commerce and Consumer Affairs, as well as investment and economic development, have been entrusted with the responsibility of exploring the world with a strong sense of purpose and great aspirations to contribute towards shaping the future of the nation.


He also asserted that the responsibility of the country’s foreign minister is increased as they need to venture into the world. The Ministry, currently led by Minister Dr Douglas, has been responsible for assisting in shaping the future of the country’s development.

Dr Douglas also assured that he will give his best to strengthen the country’s democracy and increase the availability of developmental opportunities through increased investment, innovation and empowerment of the country’s economy. Further, he also added that the government aims to become a sustainable island state.

The foreign affairs minister Dr Douglas addressed the diplomats at the event’s opening ceremony. He also insisted that the diplomats must be tactful rather than timid. Additionally, he committed that he will work for the betterment of the country.

Additionally, he promised to strengthen the diplomatic core of the country through training and capacity-building programmes. St Kitts and Nevis also get support from International friends to make the country develop.

The Ministry of foreign affairs also added that they will lead an inter-ministerial approach with their Ministry to secure the vision of a sustainable island state. This initiative aims to enhance the trust of international partners in the government’s strategies.