South Africa: The education department of KwaZulu Natal hosted a high-level meeting with the leaderships of the High Scoring schools of the province. The department of education is dedicated to ensuring that the schools in the province continue to perform well.
The meeting was hosted under the uMlazi District on Wednesday at the West Park Special School. uMlazi District Director, BN Mahlambi welcomed all the Officials from the district schools, who attended the meeting.
During the meeting, she thanked the teachers who played a crucial role in ensuring that the students perform well in their exams. She expressed that the Principals who ushered the District to the Number 8th position in the Province.
20 schools from the uMlazi District achieved a 100% pass mark in the 2023 NSC Examinations Results. The educational stakeholders of the district are proud of the achievement secured b the students.
The Department of Education also joined the uMlazi District in honoring and celebrating the young achievers for their hardwork and dedicat
“The purpose of this gathering is for us to celebrate you and for our visionary leaders to share expertise and to emphasize our responsibility of maintaining our 100% pass rate”, remarked Mrs Mahlambi.
In her address the District Director, Mrs Mahlambi encouraged officials to work smart, strive for high Bachelors pass rate and to do away with Higher Certificate pass rate.
“I have to appreciate the schools that have been placed at the serial under performing schools position but managed to pull themselves out of that situation because of applying strategies to improve quality learner performance” said the District Director.
Ms J Govender the Project Manager for the Department of Basic Education stressed the importance of sustaining good performance and improving it, yet carefully ensuring to never decline.
Presentations from school Principals followed, with all of them outlining the strategies they use to achieve high pass percentage marks. MANCO Members also contributed to the presentations and engagements of the day all under the shared theme of aiming for the best possible performance.