Zambia: Cholera crisis worries Health Director Mathews Ng’ambi

Zambia: Provincial Health Director Mathews Ng’ambi has introduced measures to prevent an outbreak of cholera in the province.

The minister has claimed that they took the decision after reports of suspected cholera cases emerged in some districts in the Eastern province.


Dr Ng’ambi claimed that after recording a cholera death in Petauke, his office has put in place workable interventions.

The Health Director arranged to provide medicines to the communities to stop the cases from rising. He confirmed that all the eight cases reported in the province are “imported” by patients travelling to neighbouring countries where there is an outbreak of the disease.

The Provincial Health Director said this during a media briefing held at his office. During the session, he gave an update on measures taken on the cholera situation in the province.

“As you may be aware, the Minister of Health, Silvia Masebo, just recently updated the general public on the outbreak of cholera cases a few days ago.

“As Eastern province, we recorded one death of a mentally disturbed patient whose symptoms were connected to Cholera. But as of now it is still a suspected case”, he clarified.

Dr N’gambi said that two cholera cases were recorded in Vubwi and Petauke districts adding that the first case was recorded on 10th December, 2023.


“Both patients from the two districts were discharged four to five days ago. In Vubwi district, the cholera cases were as a result of travel history into Mozambique, hence we have not recorded any local transmitted cholera cases.

“ Similarly, in Petauke which has a record of six cases indicates a travel history in and out of Mozambique”, he revealed.

Dr N’ gambi said cholera cases have risen in the neighbouring nations, including Mozambique. The situation is forcing some people to seek medical attention from the Zambian side.

Provincial District Health director also stated that the province has activated emergency response systems in all the districts.

The Department of Health was working closely with stakeholders in Vubwi and Petauke for enhanced border control as part of the cholera response.

Dr N’ gambi said in order streamline the preventive measures against cholera outbreak, the province will engage the local authorities, traditional leaders and the community to manage the movement of people through sensitisation campaigns on television and radio stations.

Minister of Health Sylvia Masebo, during her weekly updates on the Cholera outbreak recently said since October, 2023 to present, Zambia has recorded a total of 1,385 cases in Lusaka Province with 36 deaths.

Nationally, the country has  2,270 cumulative cases with 52 lives lost  since 26th January, 2023.

The situation with the cholera crisis has become grave as the administrations of all provinces have stepped up to combat the increased cases. Recently, the number of cases has witnessed a spike in Lusaka. The disease has also claimed several lives in the province.