Zambia ZAF, ZNS celebrate Silver Jubilee

Zambia: Officers of the Zambia Air Force (ZAF) and Zambia National Service (ZNS) joint course No. 35 of 1998 have celebrated 25 years of selfless service to Mother Zambia.

Zambia ZAF, ZNS celebrate Silver Jubilee
Zambia ZAF, ZNS celebrate Silver Jubilee Image credit: Facebook

Zambia: Officers of the Zambia Air Force (ZAF) and Zambia National Service (ZNS) joint course No. 35 of 1998 have celebrated 25 years of selfless service to Mother Zambia.

ZAF Commander Lt Gen Colin Barry and ZNS Commander Lt Gen Malichi Solochi officiated at the colourful commemoration dinner at the Taj Pamodzi Hotel in Lusaka on Friday, 1 September 2023.


Lt Gen. Colin Barry congratulated the celebrants for attaining the silver jubilee and immensely contributing to the country’s peace.

He said the joint training of ZAF and ZNS Officer Cadets had created es-spirit de corp and that this was evident in the collaboration that exists between the two Services.

“We are proud to note the synergy between ZAF and ZNS as seen through the exchange of resources in carrying out national duties such as joint military exercises and operations training, disaster response operations, infrastructure development and protection of wildlife and natural resources,” Lt Gen Barry said.

He called on the course members to prepare to take over the mantle of the Defence Force as future Commanders. He also urged the members to prepare adequately for life after military service.

He paid tribute to the members of the course who had lost their lives in years past and said they would be remembered for their service to the nation.

Speaking earlier, Zambia National Service (ZNS) Commander, Lt Gen Maliti Solochi, reminded the course members that it was important to leave a legacy.


He commended the Directing Staff and Instructors for having contributed to moulding the Officers into the men and women they are today.

Meanwhile, Course Senior Brig Gen Henry Matifeyo, who spoke on behalf of the celebrants, said the 25-year journey of the brave men and women had created bonds that have stood the taste of time.

He said the men and women had contributed greatly to safeguarding the airspace and protecting the territorial integrity as well as securing the country’s peace.

He extended his deepest gratitude to the course members for their service and for protecting the way of life of the Zambian people. Brig Gen Matifeyo called on all members of the course to reaffirm their commitment to duty and continue with their dedicated service.

He thanked the ZAF and ZNS Commanders for gracing the event and for their support towards hosting the event.