Zimbabwe Warriors return for 2026 FIFA World Cup Qualifiers

Zimbabwe: The football teams across Africa are competing with each other for the 2026 FIIFA World Cup Qualifier. The Zimbabwe national soccer team, warriors have returned to the soccer play field after a long gap.

The team is preparing to take on the various countries on the 2026 world cup qualifier


The warriors were not allowed to participate in any football tournament during this past year. For example they were banned to participate in African Cup Of Nation (AFCON) .

Zimbabwe players such as Tatenda Mukuruva took to his Facebook page to express his feelings after the team was barred from competing in the international matches. He is a former goal keeper of warriors’ national team

In his social media post, Mukuruva highlighted that it was very hurt breaking to realize that the Zimbabwe National team still can’t compete in the upcoming international games. “So sad to watch other countries playing, developing and competing at the highest level” he said.

Other players as well as warrior fans expressed their outrage of the banning of the national team. The fans of the team describe it as a very sad situation happening to their beautiful country.  They opposed the ban on all the national and local teams from participating in international football competitions.

As a result of the ban on competing, that the Football players were losing time, chances and all opportunities to be recognized internationally to further their careers.

However, the return of the warriors to the field for the 2026 FIFA World CUP Qualifiers has left the fans happy all over the world. Some of the fans even claimed that they were looking forward to watching their country participate in the tournament


All the Fans around the world has wished the Warriors the best on the 2026 FIFA World Cup qualifier tournament journey. Each team in the qualifier has to face their opponents from the same group for two matches.

Zimbabwe will face their opponents once in their own home turf and once in the opponents’ home turf.