Cholera Crisis Continues: Lusaka registers 73 new cases, 2 deaths

Zambia: The government of Zambia has announced a further increase in their efforts to fight cholera after the capital, Lusaka recorded 73 new cases. Further, in the last 24 hours, the disease has claimed two lives.

Ministry of Health is expressing its concern about the situation. The administration has urged the people of the province to protect themselves from the infection.


Lusaka Province Minister Sheal Mulyata shared that residents must observe high standards of personal hygiene. She further asked the people to avoid unnecessary movements in order to halt the further spread of the disease.

She made these remarks in a speech read on her behalf by Lusaka Province Permanent Secretary Robert Kamalata.

PS Kamalata was representing her during the official opening of the 4th quarter Provincial Development and Coordinating Committee (PDCC) meeting on Monday.

“The area has in the recent past recorded in increase in Cholera cases and I am appealing to the residents to observe high standards of personal hygiene and avoid unnecessary movements in order to halt the further spread of the disease,” said Mulyata.

Further, the committee heard that Lusaka Province has seen an increase in the number of cholera cases across all the six districts in the region.

Lusaka Provincial Health Director, Simulyamana Choonga revealed that they recorded 73 cases in the last 24 hours. The total number of 108 people were still receiving treatment for the infection.


Kanyama and Matero level one hospitals are recording  the highest number of cases in the sub districts, the committee heard.

Dr Choonga has since called for multi sectoral approach to fighting the cholera outbreak such as support towards the cholera response fund to intensify interventions.

“We need to engage partners and key stakeholders such as the Lusaka City Council (LCC)  to collect waste, Lusaka Water and Sanitation Company to supply clean water, line ministries and funds from CDF as this is an emergency to help with sanitation and funds,” he said.

Dr Choonga said there is still need for more support in terms of logistics such as transport, fuel, chlorine and awareness to quicken the cholera response.

The Provincial health director urged the general public to continue treating and boiling water for their daily consumption.

The people of Lusaka Province are worried about the increasing risk that the disease poses on the lives and livelihoods of the people. The Ministry of Health extending their support to the province and helping the administration of Lusaka fight.