Cape Town: The Disaster Operations Centre has presented updated report on the flooding faced by the region. Based on the information flowing through the DOC, the situation in Cape Town has not changed yet.
The Downpours are however expected to continue throughout the day and assessments on the ground are still going on as reports come in.
City of Cape Town continues to provide the assistance in the areas where flooding has been reported and to date, Disaster Management Officers have made assessments in 41 informal settlements where 1,221 structures flooded and 2,246 people got affected.

As per the reports, the areas where the flood occurred includes Khayelitsha, Strand, Gugulethu, sir Lowry’s Pass Village, Wallacedene, Vygieskraal, Bloekombos and Hout Bay.
The Humanitarian relief is being provided by Gift of the Givers, the Mustadafin Foundation and Ashraful Foundation.
Reportedly, the roads and stormwater have been issuing milling and sandbags on request in certain areas. Various roadways are flooded across the city the Roads and Stormwater Department is assisting with unblocking of drains and clearing roadways.
According to the earlier report, the DMRC has received the reports of flooding in a number of areas that includes Khayelitsha, Philippi, Gugulethu, Kraaifontein, Elsiesriver, Dunoon, Belgravia and New Village in Nomzamo and Strand which is the worst affected area, with 180 structured flooded.

Considerably, the SASSA has been requested to provide humanitarian relief, previously. The Roads Department provided sand and milling, while the Informal Settlement Management made assessments in flooded areas and has also decided to provide the flood kits.
Many roadways across the city Cape Town were flooded and the Roads Department is clearing debris and unblocking the drains. However, the electricity department is attending to weather related power outages in several areas.
Furthermore, the Downpours were expected to continue throughout the day and assessments on the ground went on, as per the previous reports.