Copperbelt: Chinese investors to step in to aid small scale miners

The Chinese Community in Copperbelt announced that they want to support the mining sector of the country and proposed a long-term partnership

Copperbelt: Chinese investors to step in to aid small scale miners, Image: facebook
Copperbelt: Chinese investors to step in to aid small scale miners, Image: facebook

Zambia: The Chinese Community in Zambia has announced that they want to support the mining sector of the country especially, the Copperbelt province. They proposed a long-term partnership with small-scale miners and mining investors as business partners.

Vice President of Zambia Chinese Association Copperbelt Chapter Xin Wang talked about the benefits that the collaboration will bring. According to Wang, once the partnership is implemented, it will prevent mine tragedies from happening.


At this time, the Vice president was referring to the recent Senseli Mine tragedy, which resulted in the loss of many lives.

Vice President of the Zambia Chinese Association made these remarks when his Association extended additional support to the Senseli mine accident victims’ families on Friday.

The tragedy claimed several lives and has left many families grieving for their loved ones. The administration of Copperbelt Province has also extended their support to the families.

Meanwhile, Wang stated that the planned partnership will improve the safety situation of mining activities by small-scale miners.

“The win-win situation can be achieved when cooperatives are issued with the relevant mining permits for the dump sites, as the Chinese investors are willing to make investment of equipment and technology in the minerals processing business and minimize fatalities,” he said.

On Friday, the Chinese Association donated assorted food items worth K1000 to a survivor of the accident and another K5000 to deceased victims’ families to lessen the burden following the mine accident. According to government estimates, over 30 small-scale miners perished in the tragic incident


Vice President Xi Wang said the donation includes K5000, two bags of Mealie-Meal, 2.5ltrs of cooking oil, 4kg sugar, washing paste and bathing soap with a bucket for each family.

Meanwhile, Chingola District Commissioner Raphael Chimupi thanked the Chinese Community for the donation saying it will go a long way in helping the affected families.

And one of the beneficiaries, Grace Mbuyisa expressed gratitude for the donation as families have difficulties surviving.

After the unfortunate incident, many organizations across the country have come forward to ask the government to put a stop to the mining activities. Other stakeholders have asked the administration to ensure the safety of the miners.